Total profitability (TP) | 19,23% |
Weekly profit (WP) | 0,00% |
Daily profit (DP) | 0,00% |
Monthly profit (MP) | 0,00% |
Profit-factor | 1.14 |
Total net profit | 57.69 USD |
Maximum drawdown | -62.18% |
Number of completed transactions | 53 |
- profitable transactions | 21 |
- loss-making transactions | 31 |
- transactions with zero-effect | 1 |
Number of open transactions | 0 |
Open transactions outcome | 0 USD |
Transaction with maximum profit (pips) | 175 |
Transaction with maximum loss (pips) | 126 |
Average profit per transaction (pips) | 82.38 |
Average loss per transaction (pips) | 49.29 |