PAMM Services

Unlimited extra income

Managed Account (PAMM) — extra income for investors and managers

Managed Account (PAMM) is a variation of asset management when a manager uses funds of multiple investors on a single account. All the profits or losses are distributed between the participants in accordance to their share in the account and the account’s offer.

How it works

  1. A trader signs up as a Managed Account (PAMM) manager and opens one or multiple Managed Accounts (PAMM).
  2. An investor signs up with FIBO Group and selects one or multiple accounts for investment, then transfers their funds to them.
  3. At the end of each investment period profits or losses registered on the account are being distributed between the investors and the manager in proportion to their funds invested.

Managed Account (PAMM) — extra income for investors and managers

Managed Account (PAMM) is a variation of asset management when a manager uses funds of multiple investors on a single account. All the profits or losses are distributed between the participants in accordance to their share in the account and the account’s offer.

  1. A manager’s profit shall amount to $720.
    From which:
    $ 600 (60% * $ 1 000) – profit from own
    $ 120 (30% * $400) – part of investors’ profits
  2. An investor’s profit
    shall amount to $280.
    From general investor profit (40% of $1 000) a manager´s fee is being deducted
    according to the offer´s conditions:
    $ 400 - 30% * $400 = $120

Losses calculation

Losses just as profits are distributed proportionally to manager’s and investors’ shares.
General loss $200
$120 (60% of $200) – manager´s loss
$80 (40% of $200) – investor´s loss

general loss for 1 (one) investment period

$2 000
amount of funds on the account as of the beginning of the period

  1. A manager’s profit shall amount to $720.
    From which:
    $ 600 (60% * $ 1 000) – profit from own
    $ 120 (30% * $400) – part of investors’ profits
  2. An investor’s profit
    shall amount to $280.
    From general investor profit (40% of $1 000) a manager´s fee is being deducted
    according to the offer´s conditions:
    $ 400 - 30% * $400 = $120

At the end of each investment period an investor can:

Option 1

Withdraw all the funds
(investment and profits))

Option 2

Withdraw profits only
leaving the initial investment on the account

Option 3

Leave the profits on the account thus
increase the investor’s share for the next investment period

Mutual advantages

The opportunity to use their experience and knowledge to generate higher income.
Remuneration depends on the successful management and the volume of attracted capital from investors.
Attracting an unlimited number of investors and the determination of the minimum amount and term of the investment.
Trade is conducted on one trading account without complicated accounting system.
Manager's remuneration is charged only in case of income that makes it work for a positive result.
Opportunity to earn income without being an expert on FOREX and CFD.
No one has the opportunity to withdraw funds other than the investor himself.
Choosing between hundreds of Managers and investing in any number of PAMM.

Balance operations (deposit and withdrawal), correctness and accurate processing time of profit distribution between manager and investors is ensured and guaranteed by FIBO Group.

Rating of Managed accounts

Name Age, Days Total Profit % Profit factor Risk level Investments
25 Disco % 1173 556,17 1,64 Medium risk $1 451,76
16 SIGMA-2023 % 1037 208,35 2,69 High risk $3 180,62
6 MAX Invest Capital % 2062 175,53 3,16 High risk €21 412,85
33 Jamshidi_24 % 43 163,83 1,83 High risk $791,49
21 trends % 1857 148,26 1,21 High risk $2 294,89
4 DANIELA % 105 115,15 1,35 High risk €52 253,61
19 Cronos % 3997 112,38 1,03 High risk $2 485,87
8 25 MasoudN 389 106,27 1,22 High risk $20 238,67
26 jaju_1628260 3596 84,99 3,07 High risk $990,35
10 GPMA invest % 805 83,21 6,72 High risk €11 031,22
29 Incremental 79 69,29 6,26 High risk $905,56
35 MMA_1750813 565 42,77 1,86 High risk $576,24
9 NaijaTrader % 8 34,55 2,51 Medium risk $13 571,19
12 haffeez 142 33,93 1,50 High risk $10 052,60
20 Hydrogen % 1449 33,21 1,16 High risk $2 446,44
3 Max_Boost % 282 29,88 2,72 Low risk €66 393,71
39 Persia % 8 29,83 7,54 Low risk $389,49
34 Final Trend % 137 20,65 1,23 Medium risk $603,24
18 Quantum % 146 12,38 2,48 Medium risk €2 411,52
2 Pammaxpas 253 11,02 2,38 Low risk €84 538,42
Show more Full table

Are you agent? You are a PAMM-agent!

The "PAMM-agent" program is a partnership program designed to attract investors into a PAMM. Managers share their remuneration with agents who bring new investors.

  1. A Manager can take advantage of the program, because the amount of managed funds exceeds his or her profit.
  2. This is beneficial to the Manager, because the larger the amount of funds managed by him, the higher his income.
  3. As for an Investor, he or she is not involved in the program as long as the amount of the PAMM-agent's remuneration is specified by the Offer and is calculated as the share of the Manager's remuneration.

The amount of the PAMM-agent's remuneration is specified by the Offer and is calculated as the share of the Manager's remuneration.