Economic Calendar

Time Country Period Event Sense Forecast Previous
September 7, 2016
01:45 NZD calender forex August Manufacturing Sales q/q 2.2% -2.0%
02:30 AUD calender forex August AIG Construction Index 46.6 51.6
04:30 AUD calender forex QII GDP q/q 0.5% 0.6% 1.0%

GDP q/q

  • Better if:

    Sense > Forecast

  • Source:

    Australian Bureau of Statistics

08:00 JPY calender forex August Leading Indicators 100.0% 98.6% 99.2%
09:00 EUR calender forex August German Industrial Production m/m -1.5% 0.0% 1.1%
09:45 EUR calender forex August French Trade Balance -4.5B -3.7B -3.5B
10:00 CHF calender forex August Foreign Currency Reserves 627B 616B
10:30 GBP calender forex August Halifax HPI m/m -0.2% -0.3% -1.1%
11:30 GBP calender forex July Manufacturing Production m/m -0.9% -0.4% -0.2%

Manufacturing Production m/m

  • Better if:

    Sense > Forecast

  • Source:

    Office for National Statistics

11:30 GBP calender forex August Industrial Production m/m 0.1% -0.3% 0.0%
12:33 EUR calender forex August German 10-y Bond Auction -0.11|1.1 -0.09|1.4
16:15 GBP calender forex August Inflation Report Hearings

Inflation Report Hearings

  • Source:


16:36 GBP calender forex August NIESR GDP Estimate 0.3% 0.4%
17:00 CAD calender forex Year BOC Rate Statement

BOC Rate Statement


Announcement of key policy rate. Monetary policy decisions are reached through consensus by the members of the Bank's Governing Council.

Why imprtant:

Short term interest rates are the key factor in currency valuation. Change in key interest rate has a direct impact on interest rates for consumer loans, mortgages etc.

  • Periodicity:

    As a rule, 8 times per year according to schedule.

  • Source:

    Bank of Canada

17:00 CAD calender forex Year Overnight Rate 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%

Overnight Rate


The overnight rate is the interest rate at which major financial institutions borrow and lend one-day funds among themselves. The Bank of Canada sets a target level for that rate.

Why imprtant:

Short term interest rates are the primary factor in currency valuation. Changes in the key interest rate influence other interest rates, and so affect people's spending decisions.

  • Better if:

    Sense > Forecast

  • Periodicity:

    As a rule, 8 times per year accordng to schedule.

  • Source:

    Bank of Canada

17:00 CAD calender forex August Ivey PMI 52.3 55.5 57.0
17:00 USD calender forex August JOLTS Job Openings 5.87M 5.58M 5.64M
17:00 USD calender forex FOMC Member George Speaks
21:00 USD calender forex September Beige Book