Economic Calendar

Time Country Period Event Sense Forecast Previous
July 25, 2016
13:00 GBP calender forex June CBI Industrial Order Expectations -4 -6 -2
July 26, 2016
11:30 GBP calender forex June BBA Mortgage Approvals 40.1K 40.2K 41.8K
July 27, 2016
11:30 GBP calender forex Prelim GDP q/q 0.6% 0.5% 0.4%

Prelim GDP q/q

  • Better if:

    Sense > Forecast

  • Source:

    Office for National Statistics

11:30 GBP calender forex June Index of Services 3m/3m 0.3% 0.3% 0.5%
13:00 GBP calender forex June CBI Realized Sales -14 2 4
July 28, 2016
09:00 GBP calender forex June Nationwide HPI m/m 0.5% 0.0% 0.2%
July 29, 2016
01:05 GBP calender forex June GfK Consumer Confidence -12 -7 -9
11:30 GBP calender forex June M4 Money Supply m/m 1.1% 0.4% 1.3%
11:30 GBP calender forex June Mortgage Approvals 65K 66K 67K
11:30 GBP calender forex June Net Lending to Individuals m/m 5.2B 4.2B 4.5B
July 30, 2016
July 31, 2016